Look in a Lexicon!

Took some time until I realized that there are two German philosophers with the family name MARCUSE: Ludwig (Ger., Eng.) (1894-1971) and Herbert (Ger., Eng.) (1898-1979). They are NOT related. Both born in the Kaiserreich Berlin of Wilhelm II. and of Jewish origin they emigrated after 1933 and came to the US. Herbert had already connections to HORKHEIMER (Ger., Eng.) and the Institut für Sozialforschung (Ger., Eng.), but lack of funding forced him to work for the OSS (Ger., Eng.) and its successors until the early 1950s. I think a new book about this time of his career was published shortly ago. Herbert is noted for his 1964 smash hit Der eindimensionale Mensch / One-Dimensional Man (Ger., Eng.).
Ludwig is less known and today nearly forgotten. He first emigrated to France and later came to LosAngeles where he teached at the University of South California. Since the 1920 he worked and lived as free-lance writer too besides teaching now and then at seminars. I read his Meine Geschichte der Philosophie / My History of Philosophy with pleasure. His thinking  circles around the idea of Glück and Skepsis, is based on a cast iron humanism and the individual responsibility. I have a paperback copy and  remember that I bought it sometimes in the 1980s thinking about it as a kind of introduction into  Critical Theory. Today I find his thoughts consolatory.

6 thoughts on “Look in a Lexicon!

  1. Mine too, LGS !

    Welcome Mr. Marx. I read your books with joy and your radioshows were very funny! Some moments in your films are phantastic and will stay with us. Greetings to your brothers, and a big hug to Minnie!

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