Sunday Music

Another week zoomed by – not that I ever had to use that now so prominent program “zoom” ; everybody seems to do video conferences on “zoom” these days, inspecting each other’s nostrils, secretly scanning the background of other conferees’ rooms for nasty things, we are all detectives.
I saw my medical doctor last week, and he played around with the ultrasonic diagnostic tool, thankfully he found nothing interesting. Now & then he switched on the sound, and I was very astounded by what I heared. There were very different kind of noises, some wischelnd – no sense to use a translating tool on this, it is a mixture of “whisper” and “whisking”, I think only those of my venerated readers who still have experiences with tube radios (“Lange Welle”) may know what I mean, when somewhere in the ether Nowgorod appears -, some outright pumping like a steam engine, all about arteries and heart muscles, obviously they do what they are meant to do. I wonder if someone ever used these soundbits for a collage ?
The infection numbers around here are still high, last time I followed they were climbing & climbing. I saw my dispatcher last Frayday and was assured that I will not drive in the coming week. So no work distracting me from getting my first injection on Tuesday afternoon at the local “Impfzentrum”. I met an old colleague accidentially on a parking lot some days ago, and she had had an appointment only days ago. She assured me that all is fool proof, and that there are no unwanted side effects. So be it : Idiotensicher, ohne Nebenwirkung.
This Sunday Music is titled Decisions, a heavy name for two light minutes of music performed by the Ramsey Lewis Trio (Ger., Eng.) on their 1959 lp Down to Earth (Eng.). I hope you like the music, regardless if outside your appartement madness reigns, if another ton of snow was dumped on your tulips & daffodils, or your knee hurts from kneeling on Madame’s – the paysho ! May we face a healthy and peaceful week.

