What is going on? UPDATE

The Infomaniac removed?!!


The Mistress writes:

“My blog was mysteriously removed overnight.
What’s worse is that my Gmail account says “account temporarily disabled” so I can’t get into My Gmail either to correspond with any of you.
I’ve tried using the “contact us” feature on a Google Accounts page but there was a server error so they haven’t received my complaint.”

“I’ve gone around to several blogs including yours to tell my blog friends about this.
I have a lot to do this weekend and won’t be able to post comments on everyone’s blogs but I’m hoping they’ll see my comments on other blogs. “


Blognapped Mistress MJ writes:

“Quick comment as I’m going out for the rest of the day…

Thanks, everyone!

It’s a busy time for me right now so I’m not making up a new Gmail account at this point or a new blog.

In fact, my entire summer is going to be a hotbed of activity.

Maybe I can make a comeback in the new year?

I have a feeling Google might have targeted me for unsavory content.

I say this because I checked my Statscounter and the last visit was from Google. In India of all places. I also noticed that earlier, their head office location has visited too.

Perhaps someone objected to pics of old men with saggy bits.


I’ll still visit you all nonetheless.”

“I’m trying to maintain a sense of humour about this but it hurts losing 4 years worth of content which equals 4 years worth of blogging memories.

It’s not just my posts … it’s all the fun we had in the comments section.

I feel violated.

Okay, gotta go.

But I’ll be bahhhhhck!”

Posted in Uncategorized

21 thoughts on “What is going on? UPDATE

  1. My blog was mysteriously removed overnight.

    What’s worse is that my Gmail account says “account temporarily disabled” so I can’t get into my Gmail either to correspond with any of you.

    I’ve tried using the “contact us” feature on a Google Accounts page but there was a server error so they haven’t received my complaint.

  2. I’ve gone around to several blogs including yours to tell my blog friends about this.

    I couldn’t leave a message on XL’s blog because his blog doesn’t accept anonymous comments.

    I have a lot to do this weekend and won’t be able to post comments on everyone’s blogs but I’m hoping they’ll see my comments on other blogs.

    Thanks for your concern, Mago.

  3. thanx for the heads up Mago I just tried to call by MJ’s and found the same message. MJ, Ive been having trouble accessing other peoples blogs with messages about pages not being available or blogs not wexisting within minutes of new posts appearing on my reader. It is very wierd. Ther is a lot of odd things happening with blogger at the moment… I don’t know how to help other than follow Xl’s suggestion..

  4. Quick comment as I’m going out for the rest of the day…

    Thanks, everyone!

    It’s a busy time for me right now so I’m not making up a new Gmail account at this point or a new blog.

    In fact, my entire summer is going to be a hotbed of activity.

    Maybe I can make a comeback in the new year?

    I have a feeling Google might have targeted me for unsavory content.

    I say this because I checked my Statscounter and the last visit was from Google. In India of all places. I also noticed that earlier, their head office location has visited too.

    Perhaps someone objected to pics of old men with saggy bits.


    I’ll still visit you all nonetheless.

  5. I’m devestated. A Summer without Infomaniac? MJ? Saggy bits? I don’t believe just deleting a blog and email account (especially the email account??) is ethical. Anyway, this isn’t the news I wanted to have this morning.

    (Hai Mago, Savannah, XL and Princess) xoxox to MJ.

  6. I’m trying to maintain a sense of humour about this but it hurts losing 4 years worth of content which equals 4 years worth of blogging memories.

    It’s not just my posts … it’s all the fun we had in the comments section.

    I feel violated.

    Okay, gotta go.

    But I’ll be bahhhhhck!

  7. i’ll link again with this update, sugar! *sigh* i’m already missing mj and her saggy bits…wait, i mean, the posts and pics of other peoples saggy bits!

    xoxoxoxoxoxo for MJ from me and the MITM!

    Oh Hai, xl, boxer, princess!

  8. This is a travesty!

    I think Boxer is right: Surely if there were content violations, MJ would have had a warning email or two, and not just had her Blogger *and* email accounts deleted?
    Hopefully *crosses fingers – snap crackle pop – ow!* this is just a technical issue that the Google team will resolve forthwith. I can’t go MJ cold turkey. I just can’t!

  9. Thank you for linking, Savannah.

    IDV, hello and welcome, I have the feeling we will have to face a grim reality.

    WHat I do not get is how MJs comments can be deleted.

  10. Thanks for putting up this post and keeping the momentum going in restoring Infomaniac. I do believe that the more of us who report at Blogger Forum asking why Infomaniac was removed and asking that it be restored, we can get Blogger to act quickly. We’ve all ready got some response from Ayem8ty’s post at Blogger Forum, and I really do think that the more of us post there asking for help to restore Infomaniac, the more likely Blogger will step up and fix the problem. So keep posting over at Blogger Forum and get Blogger’s attention and assistance.

  11. What an incredible group of bitches!

    Thank you so much for your support. I wasn’t expecting this reaction.

    An update to let you know that earlier today I was getting a “server error” message when I tried to contact Google. I’ve just now managed to get the message through. If I get a response from Google, I’ll let you know.

    I haven’t had time to hop ‘round to all my bitches blogs to let them know what happened so I appreciate what you’ve done for me.

  12. MJ: Now I know how the Seven Dwarfs felt when Snow White died.

    I shall enable anonymous commenting on mine for the duration of this crisis.

  13. Let’s trace the link to India..I can have two Tomcats in the air in 15 minutes.

    Thanks for the update. I’d love to know how many complaints it takes to warrant a Witch hunt? This is right out of the Crucible..McCarthyism!

    I’d be so pissed off aboot losing all the comments..4 years worth…UGH!

  14. I’m grinding my teeth. This is ridiculous, removing Infomaniac.

    I bet you anything, it’s that Celine Dion’s fault! Cow.

    Given some of the really dodgy stuff out there, they are being uptight, close-minded bigots. Bastards.

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