NOT Sunday Music

I did not want to write about the little fuehrer any more, here or elsewhere – I thought there is not more to say. And that it could not become more ugly. But up steps the “supreme” court of Amurga and hammers in the fix for the future dictator for life. (Read here, if you want.) Meanwhile the coming republican candidate runs from victory to victory (what else ?), while at the same time he shows sings of mental decay. The actual President is old and sometimes looses the thread, but he realises it and corrects himself, while the future supremo stares into the big nothing and invents pseudo words. (Read here, if you like.)
Even conservative scholars like FUKUYAMA (Ger., Eng.) now say clearly what has happened, and happens (here, I went there via google news and could read it ; later, when I clicked the bookmarked link, they wanted to sell me an abonnement ), but after a clear analysis he keeps whistling in the dark : “Democrats have a lot of work to do” – boah, who thought ?
Meanwhile Mr CORN (Ger., Eng.) and colleagues at Mother Jones start with that work, in the form of a series of videos to keep record of the creeping fascism (read here), so one can at least follow up the Magas.
I find it interesting that right now a book is published about good old Sefton DELMER (1904-1979) (Ger., Eng.) (read here), the inventor of “Soldatensender Calais”. I am still of the opinion that the idiot behind “Q” studied DELMERs approach, and used it for a hoax that got out of hand.
Information, clear facts, a minimum of critical thinking – but it’s a bit late now, isn’t it ? The election is in November, eight months – and some millions of salt-of-the-earth people (“morons”) have made up their mind and chose the one & only saviour, the big white hope, the orange criminal, y/our future fuehrer of the “free” “West”- while the rest stands there like the proverbial duck in a thunderstorm.
Any way, this is NOT Sunday Music – it will come next sooon …

Liddl Look Alound

The bubble went “plopp”, and here we are back in a dusty Franconian appartement. Christmas good, New Year good, all good – I hope the same applies to You, venerated reader : May the coming year be good to all creatures !
Did something happen while I was away busily doing family things ? Another deadly spider from Mars is found in Australia, named Herr Cules – sorry Dinahmow, that seals it, no way I’ll ever set foot in this region of the world. MsScarlet is still lost in the wilderness, chances are that she & Sid paddle over Devon’s fields in a rubber dinghy. Also silent is dearest Z, one may hope that the Northern Sea did not come to visit. Savannah has covid, just a few days after her birthday, and a party with the whole family, oh yeah. Meanwhile Ponita is back on the needle(s), Proxima redecorated. (Did I mention that Proxima made me blog, seventeen years ago ? No ? So you know now. She, Austere, and a little later, Cie.) Mitzi is still somewhere, while Mrpeenee – like The Mistress & some other well-liked bloggers – is protected by gargle dragons (I will finally open an account, yes, I promise, and stop to whinge. Sure. Soon. Bäh …)
Great to see Autolycos post a photograph now & then again. And while you are at it, dear reader, why not enjoy a nice little quiz at incredible Inexplicable DeVice‘s place ?
Let’s end this little look-around with a short Valse Mélancolique, (opus 16, no.11) composed by Russian pianist Samuel MAYKAPAR (1867-1938) (Ger., Eng.). I hope you enjoy the music.



Some Work

What a week it was ! Nothing happened “on the outside”, no drama inside. All quiet. And sooo relaxing – for a simple reason : The abomination I have to call “colleague” had called in sick (and chances are good that I won’t meet this person next week too).
On Tuesday I stood in front of my vehicle, it was all frozen over, a cold & silent ddm it was, damndarkmorning, coined by Savannah. But something was different. I had no bellyache. And I realised that in the weeks before, my stomach had started to hurt in the morning when I boarded my vehicle. The daily outlook to work “together” with mentioned person slowly gnawed on me since mid-September last year. The relation between co-driver & driver can be described as “tense”, or “taut”. I can’t describe with words how repulsed I feel by this person’s presence (usually I would not stay in a room with this human, now we share a vehicle for four hours a day), while on the opposite side it is not much better, since I am met with pure contempt, sheer scorn.
The replacement was a colleague I had encountered several times before, at similar occasions. And all of a sudden I saw how it can, how it should be. A colleague, who knows how to use the brakes on a wheelchair – and uses them (!) ; who interacts with kids, and parents, without that vomit inducing air of superiority ; who can take care of himself, and simply does what needs to be done. I saw what I was missing since September.
So I decided to talk to my dispatcher. I already had done this last year (in October), to warn him that the situation was not good, and could deteriorate. Back then he was not taking this too serious. This time he did, and promised that a solution would be found until Easter. Of course I offered to take another vehicle / route ; I offered basically anything, just to be separated from the already mentioned person. Whatever the solution will be, one of us will have to leave.
This afternoon my co-driver announced via sms that a visit at the doctor’s is scheduled for Monday. So with a little luck, I face another happy week – bliss !
Now excuse me, I have to go and search for a Sunday Music.


Sunday Music

The week that was, simply was. I do not want to discuss it, would mean to bring back the cussing, and I want to enjoy a calm Sunday. It is a short weekend anyway, because yesterday was a normal working day – still 14 of these until the Christmas holiday starts ; it should be possible to pass off this in a civilised manner.
Fryderyk SZOPEN (1810-1849) (Ger., Eng.), best known under his Frenchified name Frédéric François CHOPIN, wrote some fine music for the piano, for example the Mazurka in C sharp minor Op. 30 No. 4.
It always astounds me how different a piece of music can be interpreted, how the Notentext can be brought to life in so very different ways.
If you like to take a shortcut, just listen to the last one.
There is Witold MALCUZYNSKI (1914-1977) (Ger., Eng.), without doubt one of the great interpreters of CHOPIN.



Then there is what Maurizio POLLINI (b. 1942) (Ger., Eng.), also a well recognised CHOPIN specialist, does with the little Polish dance (Ger., Eng.).



And then there is the man from Leningrad, who shows them how it is done, at least in my humble opinion.


Grigory Lipmanovich SOKOLOV (b. 1950) (Ger., Eng.), Moscow 1990


I hope you enjoy the music. May we all have a stress free, bearable week, and may my sick readers get well soon – hopefully without long-term effects.
