Sunday Music

Hello Reader, remember me ? Over the last week(s) there was no space, no time for blogging. Time was spent with doing what a man has to do, like cooking and keeping things together by being there, but mostly cooking.
Now let’s go travelling, and visit Normandy, they have beaches there, you know.
I hope you enjoy the excursion. May the coming week be friendly & stressless for all of us.



11 thoughts on “Sunday Music

  1. Fascinating documentary, sweetpea, but oysters and D Day will always be my first thoughts when I hear Normandy.

    You’ve been doing all the right things instead of blogging in my book, friend! I’m sure it’s all been much appreciated! xoxox

  2. I like the fact that they take care at gocomics to bring this any 6th of June, at least it was there in all the years since I watch the site.
    And yes Savannah, a good vegetable soup is always welcome, it helps with recuperation, while antibiotica and cold compresses are not to be understimated. Now let’s just kill that damn virus off, and things will be back to normal – at least one may hope so.
    Meanwhile I am back to driving through the Franconian wilderness, even them crazed Knights run out of pacience, thankfully a bit late.

  3. Usually a foxtrott, dear Dinahmow. I can sort my feet, and play out one or two figures, the music does the rest. And if you want, we can cha-cha too !

  4. Watching this really put into perspective how wars upon wars upon wars reshape the landscapes, buildings and people. We just keep rebuilding on the old bones of some past civilization. We never learn.

  5. What a lovely travelogue. Made me look forward even more keenly to my trip to France later this month. Enjoy your time in the kitchen Mr M.

  6. We learn individually, and some of us can come pretty far in understanding, in-sight. My grandfather took part in one of the battles of Charkow in the last worldwar, exactly the place where they fight today.
    A few years later the Normandy saw heavy fighting, there was another travel film showing Falaise etc. – not so much left in 1945.
    “We” do learn Proxima, slowly. And sometimes it seems as if the mistakes are “built in”, un-evadable. We just can try to minimise the effects.

    Greet me the Hulots, Looby !

  7. Bless you for taking care of loved ones. I have been learning new things, hence my relative silence. Learn, learn, learn – and try to retain it all.


  8. Normandy looks a bit grim in black & white – I’m reminded of a school trip to Lindisfarne in grey skies and driving rain.

    Do you think Normandy is in colour now? If so, I might give it a go.

  9. Sadly I am constantly leaking knowledge, I become dumber by the minute MsScarlet. I try to fill up, but it is an endless fight not to be won …

    I think the world became colorised in the late Seventies ? Lindisfarne in the rain, yes, very fitting. Perhaps you got little wooden swords to instigate the Viking feeling – but that would be a little bit over the top, wouldn’t it ? Yes, give Normandy a go IDV, let’s have a look at French cormorants and Cliffs.

Just SAY it for heaven's sake ...