Sunday Music

GOd, I’m knackered. This morning, twenty first of April, Suebia greeted me with snow. Of course it did not stay, but it snowed for at least half an hour. When I travelled towards Suebia at Easter it was warm in the middle twenties Celsius, hence I used only a summer jacket. (What is decommissioned now, I simply can not see it any more.) In order to brave the Suebian snow storm today I used some other pieces, and a large scarf – and I am very thankful for this thing, because in various buses and trains I had to use today, it gave me sure protection against the attacks of the air conditioning machines : Some of them made the fierce Western on the platforms look like a breeze !
Here in Franconia all is the same. The hovel still stands upright, according to my neighbour nothing happened here, all is well. I pulled a registered letter from the mail box, but it thankfully brought only my new driver’s licence. It must be in form of a plastic card nowadays. The photograph is interesting. I used a machine in the department, simply because it produces a digital image that immediately is in their digital system, and surely meets all requirements for machine readability. The lady, who put the data together, smiled a bit, and I asked whether I should have selected another one (there were four takes, I guess ?), but she said “No, no. All good, already on its way to Berlin.” Because these IDs are produced by the federal print shop, the Bundesdruckerei.
On the old image I look like a stoned juvenile delinquent, on the new one like a notorious drunkard. Anyway, the thing is valid.
It must be Sunday still somewhere. Today’s Sunday Music is a little bow towards the late Mr Richard BETTS (1943-2024) (Ger., Eng.). My selection of Sunday Music is usually not influenced by the necrology. I avoid “in memory of” posts, but the Allmans were always special, and I like BETTS’ song Jessica very much. So here come the last eight minutes of In Memory of Elizabeth Reed as recorded live: on the 23rd of September 1970 in the Fillmore East. Just let flow. We could use some of that spirit nowadays – anyway : I hope you like the music. Let’s tackle another week !



2 thoughts on “Sunday Music

  1. I’m not sure I could deal with snow again! Being back in Lalaland has spoiled me for cold weather. Today it was 80F and tonight it will be 57F. For some reason the low temp for tonight won’t feel cold to me even though during the winter if it dropped below 68F I was freezing!

    As to your Sunday Music choice, I’d forgotten just how good the Allman Brothers could be! xoxo

  2. As the online calculator tells me, 57° F equal 14° C – hey, that’s midsummer for some Franconians ! Especially the snowpeople in the North, mountain dwellers who venerate the Ochsenkopf

    The Allmans had their moments.

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